Three “6 Random Facts Meme” and a Cookbook Give-a-way!


I am a bad blogger. I am a bad blogger. I am a bad blogger…. I must repeat this at least 100 times!

I have been tagged three times for the 6 random facts meme and since I am a bad blogger I haven’t responded yet.  I really, really, really meant to answer but my procrastinating hesitancy to write about myself over rules my desire to be prompt about these things.  Finally my sweet friend Sally wrote (when she tagged me into finally responding)- “…I have tagged you -do with it what you wish- I shan’t be at all offended. ”

SO…  in the spirit of owning to my bad behaviour I must admit that two lovely bloggers tagged me during one week in July *blush* ! Now you do know the depths of procrastination to which I sink. I have nothing to say in my own defence except that as I began to mull it all over in my mind each fact I put forth seemed to be either too boring or too nutty,  so I kept thinking on it and as these things sometimes do it just kept lurking around the back of my mind and never actually made its way out. Dana of Vanilla Basil was the first to tag me, followed within the week by Charlotte of Taylor Loves Chocolate. I am so sorry dear sweet lovely women- I did not mean to go so long.  Then as I mentioned above, almost over a month ago Sally of Casalba News tagged me again- I promised that I would get to it. I really don’t know how the time gets away from me. So here they are with my apologies- three 6 random facts memes finally answered and sent on their way. We won’t call it 6/6/6/ we’ll just look on the light side and call it eighteen – a much nicer number.


This is me with Prince Charming (aka Rick)- because I’ve been told I should show you what we look like 🙂


As you wish, here are my random facts:

  1. I’d rather eat bread than cake.
  2. I’d rather have a cookie than candy.
  3. I’d rather wear my pajamas than a cocktail dress.
  4. I’d rather be married to my husband than to George Clooney.
  5. I’d rather go to the sea than the desert.
  6. I’d rather read classics than (most) new books.
  7. I’d rather be a hammer than a nail. Yes I would…. 🙂
  8. I’d rather ride a horse than a motorcycle.
  9. I’d rather have a few good friends than be popular
  10. I’d rather listen to Jazz or Big Band than to Country music.
  11. I’d rather cook than clean.
  12. I’d rather have silence than listen to”talk radio.”
  13. I’d rather watch old movies than new.
  14. I’d rather wear vintage fashion than new.
  15. I’d rather garden than shop.
  16. I’d rather hike, sail or camp than sit by a pool.
  17. I’d rather have a tea party than go to a posh restaurant.
  18. I’d rather watch British mysteries and comedies than prime time television. I’m particularly fond of mysteries created by Brian Eastman, Anthony Horowitz and Brian True-May. Love David Suchet as Hercule PoirotMichael Kitchen as DCS Foyle and John Nettles as DCI Barnaby. Give me Fawlty Towers, Monty Python and The Good Life ( The Good Neighbors in the US) and I’m set.

Bonus fact- I’d rather give away a Rebecca Rather cookbook to a random commenter than tag 18 blogs. So I’m opening this to everyone who comments and sweetening the deal too…


Leave a comment on this post by midnight my time (Mountain U.S.) on December 14th  and I will pick a random winner out of the eligible responses to receive “The Pastry Queen Christmas”cookbook by Rebecca Rather (owner of Rather Sweet Bakery in Fredericksburg, Texas) with Alison Oresman, photographed by Laurie Smith and published by Ten Speed Press. You can consider yourself tagged on the meme if you want to play- just link back to my post and tell us at least six things you’d rather do…

Good luck and I look forward to learning more about you all. 🙂



  1. Lisa says:

    i’d rather be eating your food then drooling at the photos! rather eat dark chocolate then milk…rather be in a bath then in a hot tub…rather be viewing the sunset then the sunrise…rather be watching audrey hepburn then nicole kidman…rather be under the stars then under a hotel roof…rather be at a hootenanny then a movie theater…rather be rocking on a front porch then standing behind a penthouse window…rather be smelling the flowers then worrying about the future….rather make less money from my job and love it then make a ton of money and hate it (actually rather make tons of money with a job i love). Lots of love Gabi!!!!xo

  2. Mindy says:

    Gabi, I love your blog. It makes me
    hungry! So good to see your sweet face
    and be with you last night! Love to you!
    Love your wedding photo, what a beauty!

  3. Deborah says:

    I can’t tell you how many tags and memes I’ve not done – I feel horrible, but life just gets away from you sometimes!! It’s good to get to know you better!!

  4. Natashya says:

    I am with you on most of those rathers..
    In fact if I could spend all day in my pajamas eating bread I would be happy.
    Your photo is beautiful!

  5. Holly says:

    …If I could. I surely would. Ooo oooo ooo ooo.

    I’d rather be a forest than a street…. 🙂 Ah good times. Good times.

    Very fun meme! I love the picture of you and Prince Charming there. Speaking of tea parties, have you been to that little bakery by London Market? We should go some time soon. It was really good and they are really friendly (Elizabeth’s I think?).

    Anyway, I hope you get feeling better soon too! This stuff is no fun!


  6. Marie says:

    Awwwh Gabi, You and Rick are so cute together! so nice to see your face and learn a little more about you. I’m with you, I’d rather cook than clean anyday!

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