People-I’m eating…hear?


OK -it’s soapbox time. Stand back it’s going to get ugly.

I know anyone who reads this blog is not guilty of this but I have to get my rant on somewhere. So… join me in a  “Hallelujah sister!” if you feel the same and ignore this if you don’t.

I have to get this off of my chest because I have had too many otherwise pleasant outings ruined by rude and overly-loud people vociferously expressing their opinions, comments and self-importance for everyone within a two mile radius to hear. Phew!

Take it down a notch- please! I don’t want to hear your political views or interpersonal problems (how your neighbors should have offered to wash your windows because they had some construction done on their home and you decided to wash your windows in the midst of it all and dust blew over and stuck to your newly washed windows…blah…blah…blah) I’m trying to have a nice meal with my sweetie over here!


Hello?!… we’re in a restaurant having a nice meal, ordered and prepared with care and hopefully consumed with satisfaction- I want to be able to hear the conversation of those with whom I’ve chosen to dine – not your complaints from two tables away.

Same and double ditto in the movie theatre- I paid to watch the movie not hear your comments- so Hush up! Just because you’re rude enough to talk through a movie at home doesn’t mean you have a right to behave that way in public.


And if it’s not a kid’s movie -don’t bring your babies please, please. They cry and then you miss the movie and I miss the movie and they have to pee or get restless or give away the plot at the crucial moment and then you argue with your partner about who should have to remove them because neither of you wants to miss the movie you’ve just paid megabucks to see… see?


And by the way if you open that cell phone to take a call, text or check your messages and pull my attention away from the movie  just one more time- there’s gonna be trouble -right here in River City… Just because you have the attention span of a gnat doesn’t mean you have the right to ruin my escapist cinema experience.


So remember this “Just because you want to -doesn’t mean you can, and just because you can -doesn’t mean you should!…”

Alright -I feel better now. Onwards and upwards. Sorry for the rant- you know it is not like me at all  but…today my cup runneth over with rude fools.


  1. Gabi says:

    Sally- Thanks I’m with you -we’re down to only 3 theatres I’m willing to visit. Bet that coke was a bit of a shock for poor Dan. 😉

    Joanne- thanks for sharing my rant 🙂 I agree about the airplanes too – what a nightmare 😉

  2. Joanne says:

    You are so right! It’s unbelievable the amount of people who can be so inconsiderate when in restaurants (the loud mouth on his cell phone who seems to want to let the entire restaurant hear the conversation), movie theaters (ditto), airplanes (loud, kicking the seat, grabbing hair as they get up without apology). Oh! Can we all rant today – what fun!

  3. casalba says:

    I’m with you on the cinema thing. In fact the last time I went, the whole experience was ruined, not so much from others talking, but eating and drinking. The guy sitting next to me brought a whole take-away dinner! I swear he didn’t look up at the screen once.

    And then, at a scary moment, the woman behind Dan startled and poured coca-cola down his neck – so he stands up and starts cussing – then others start shusshing! It was a nightmare – I just wait for my favourites to come out on DVD now!

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